Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I know what you're saying, "Budapest again?"
Go ahead, roll your eyes, huff in exasperation.  I'm all the way over here in tiny Obedin, Romania and I can't see or hear you.

Most of you won't even bother with this post, you'll just skip it and wait for the next installment wherein I will either discuss having a dead pig arrive on your doorstep the day after your mother-in-law has begun chemotherapy or perhaps dental health in the post-communist world.

But for those of you who care (and the short list includes my mother, who really only wants to see photos of her grandchildren, Linda and maybe Tali and Anand if they aren't lost in the Ajanta Caves of India) this is Budapest in the late fall.
Mostly it's little series of photos.  I was fooling around with the lighting, thinking I had finally found the one lone artistic molecule in my body.  Turns out it was just another one of the anal, neurotic molecules of which I have billions upon billions but this one decided to go crazy and wear purple that day.  Fooled me.
So I took photos. The anal molecules force me to use all of the photos I take which brings us to this post.

It begins with the Palikarium (riotously fantastic) and ends with that couple on the bench by the river at dusk...raise your hand if you don't melt over that bit of sweetness.


Linda Haas said...

Loved it, as usual. I think I have to return to Budapest JUST so I can go visit the Palinkarium! My anal picture-taking molecules miss yours... (and you were right -- betcha I was the first reader!)

Anonymous said...

I concur, one cannot visit Budapest too many times. I can't wait to go back. In these photos it appears even more stunning than it was in September. It is an enchanting city, and your photos have captured some of its magic.