Monday, December 30, 2019


If 2018 was rough, 2019 was a relief year. Full of adventures and accomplishments, laughter and brightness, it left 2018 in the dust.

Since only Mihai went to Romania, there's not much to show travel-wise. Instead of traveling, the Ionescus got.stuff.done. It was the year of completion.
We completed the ADU. Lucian completed high school. Mihai and I completed child rearing (well...sort of, does one ever really complete that task?) because Lucian moved out and we are officially empty nesters. We completed the paperwork on a piece of property that Mihai inherited in Romania.
I also completed that novel I'd been threatening to write for the past decade.
So we were not idle.

In 2020 we will head back to Romania at least once due to the aforementioned inherited property. The structures that currently stand on said property are only marginally occupiable. If you don't mind using an outhouse for your toileting needs and something like a camp stove for your kitchen needs then it's move-in ready. If you'd like a flushing toilet and a kitchen sink then it's going to take a little work.

But we're not daunted. We just built an entire house, after all, so what's a bathroom upgrade?

Of course we won't have either Wayne or any of the other multitude of friends and family who helped us to complete the ADU so it might be a bit more of a challenge.

We'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, a visual update on the completion of the ADU with lots of photos (and by "lots" I mean to say far too many) and other bits of 2019 which was a pretty good year.

Silviu completed seven full decades of life and Mihai went to Romania to see him on his 80th

We got not one, but two visits from Krissi, as well as an unexpected surprise from a visit from Tali, Anand and Muna

After graduation, Lucian continued working at Lago di Como, got another baby, and moved in to his new place with the bros...

...which meant I got a new writing room. Maybe I'll get the sequel written in less than 2.5 years (but no promises)


Anonymous said...

House looks great. Where is the book?

Anonymous said...
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