Friday, April 13, 2012


It's true that at our last stop we were feeling pretty fatigued.  But I attribute that mostly to the fact that Las Vegas is a city that makes me tired just looking at it.  There's too much.  Of everything.

We thought that once we got to our next stop, Pismo Beach, we would revive.  The weather was beautiful and I imagined we would spend at least one long afternoon on the beach taking photographs of the Pacific to share with you all.

But then we passed this sign...

and something strange happened: we lost all interest in anything except getting home.

The morning after we arrived on the coast, we curtailed all of our planned activities, threw our suitcases in the van and made a beeline north.

What can I say?  A severe case of home sickness suddenly struck.

Fortunately we were off the interstate so there was the opportunity for some nice shots of Mojave and the northern bit of Los Padres.

As you see, no ocean.  No sand.  No Central Coast.

Unfortunately when we arrived, a storm followed and so I've not gotten out to get the photos that I missed on the journey north. (I blame the storm but really, it was rather convenient since I'm somewhat overwhelmed with everything else that is involved in re-integrating ourselves back into American life.)

But I'll get those photos.  Really I will.

And I'll write some sort of conclusion, some wrap up of this year+ adventure.  Really.  (But don't hold your breath, okay?  It might take a bit.)

In the meantime, I have begun a new project which I am enjoying just as much as writing this blog.  True, it does not involve traveling to new and interesting countries but on the other hand it requires very little in the way of mental energy from me.  Since I seem to have no energy, mental or otherwise, it turns out to be a good fit. (there's a link in the upper right hand corner above the archives)

Be warned: tumblr doesn't use adult content warning with any consistency so just be careful if you want to go touring around.  For my part I faithfully promise not to post pornography or anything that you won't feel comfortable viewing if grandma, the kids or your boss happens to be looking over your shoulder.

It's nothing profound.  But when have I ever produced anything that cerebral?

1 comment:

Linda Haas said...

It's easy to forget how beautiful our backyard is and to take it for granted, until enjoying these spectacular photo vistas. They are every bit as wonderful as those taken in places far away. Thank you for the reminder...